WalTech International Introduces First-of-its-kind Smart RV Thermostat

NEW YORK, July 25, 2023 (VSNewsNetwork.com) - WalTech International Inc., a major player in the HVAC industry, announced the introduction of the WalTech Vision 2.0, claimed to be the world's first smart thermostat specifically designed for recreational vehicles (RVs). The thermostat is promoted as enhancing energy efficiency, comfort, and security for RV users.

The product, the creation of HVAC expert and RV enthusiast Dan Walsdorf, is reportedly designed to tackle specific climate control challenges in RV environments. Among the features of the WalTech Vision 2.0 are its broad compatibility with RV power systems, the ability to operate with both direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC), and universal power acceptance for easy integration with existing wiring.

Moreover, the WalTech Vision 2.0 is built with various connectivity options including Wi-Fi, cellular, and Bluetooth, enabling users to remotely control and monitor their vehicle's climate. Additional features highlighted by WalTech include pet-friendly alarms, real-time GPS tracking capabilities, and an energy usage tracking system to provide insight into HVAC runtime and costs.

"WalTech Vision 2.0 is our solution to enhancing the RV experience with a focus on convenience, energy efficiency, and safety," Walsdorf commented during the announcement.

WalTech International is offering an early-bird discount for initial customers for a limited time. Further information and pre-ordering options are available at go.waltechint.com.

Source: WalTech International, Inc. via Newswire Jet


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