'Weekly Wisdom With Jeff Schreve' Audio Devotional Launches on Pray.com, Offering Spiritual Enrichment for Daily Life

LOS ANGELES, July 3, 2023 (VSNewsNetwork.com) - Pray.com, the leading app for daily prayer and faith-based content, has partnered with iHeartPodcasts to launch 'Weekly Wisdom with Jeff Schreve.' This audio devotional, voiced by Pastor Jeff Schreve, provides insightful breakdowns of biblical passages, extracting relevant themes and truths to inspire and nurture believers' spiritual journeys. Each episode, conveniently less than 10 minutes long, allows listeners to easily incorporate the devotional into their daily routines.

"We believe 'Weekly Wisdom' will inspire and uplift listeners, amplifying the profound truth of the Gospel," commented Max Bard, Pray.com VP of Content. "Our hope is that these messages will touch the hearts of those who may view the Bible as a rule book, transforming their perception into a living, breathing scripture. We trust that this podcast will make the Word a practical tool for living a godly life."

Pastor Jeff Schreve, the lead pastor at First Baptist Church Texarkana, brings his extensive experience and passion for preaching to 'Weekly Wisdom.' As the founder of From His Heart Ministries and a respected speaker, Schreve is dedicated to sharing the Gospel with humor, personality, and enthusiasm. His desire is for listeners to grow in their knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ and to apply biblical teachings in their daily lives.

Find "Weekly Wisdom with Jeff Schreve" and other prayer and faith-based content at www.pray.com/discover and on the iHeartRadio app.


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