Pion Power Launches Flex-AC Series EV Charger

Flex-AC Level 2 EV Charger (Photo Credit: Pion Power Co., Ltd)
NEW HEMPSTEAD, N.Y., December 22, 2023 (VSNewsNetwork.com) - Pion Power has announced the launch of its Flex-AC Series EV Charger, entering the rapidly growing electric vehicle (EV) market with a product aimed at meeting the diverse needs of EV owners.
Mohan Wang, the founder of Pion Power, described the series as comprehensive for users' charging needs, stating: "We've got everything you need for your charging sessions: controlling, scheduling, monitoring, tracking ... Flex-AC is a gateway to unlocking the advanced potential with a smart APP." This statement reflects the company's objective to provide an integrated and user-friendly charging experience.
According to the company, The release of the Flex-AC Series comes at a time when the EV market is expected to expand significantly. The product is positioned to serve this increasing demand by offering a versatile solution that appeals to a range of consumer preferences and charging scenarios. While the press release from Pion Power focuses on the innovative aspects of the new charger series, Wang's quote directly conveys the intended user benefits and the functional capabilities of the Flex-AC Series.
Learn more at www.pionpowertech.com
Source: Pion Power via Newswire