New Guidebook Demystifies S Corporations for Entrepreneurs

Kimberley Pollard (Photo Credit: Vantage Point Business Services Corp.)

TRACY, Calif., December 21, 2023 ( - Vantage Point Business Services Corp. is set to release Kimberley E. Pollard's latest work, "The Essential Guide to S Corporations — How to Make Your Business the ICING on the CAKE." According to a recent press release, this book aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of S Corporations, a common federal tax choice for businesses, and is touted as a valuable resource for entrepreneurs worldwide.

Pollard, an entrepreneur and seasoned author with extensive experience in tax practice, has written this guidebook to address the challenges and nuances associated with S corporation election. Her book promises to simplify complex concepts and deliver actionable advice for business owners looking to leverage the structure of S corporations for their ventures.

"The Essential Guide to S Corporations — How to Make Your Business the ICING on the CAKE" is described as a mentor-like resource that transcends geographical boundaries, offering insights and practical stories designed to engage and motivate entrepreneurs at all stages of familiarity with S corporations.

According to Vantage Point Business Services Corp, Pollard is a renowned author known for her accessible demeanor and dedication to helping business owners navigate the complexities of S corporations successfully. Her latest book reflects her commitment to empowering entrepreneurs with the knowledge to elevate their businesses.

Interested readers are invited to order a copy online here.

Learn more at

Source: Vantage Point Business Services Corp via Newswire


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