Oleg Firer Wins Judgment Against Grenada Government for Unlawful Recall

Oleg Firer vs Grenada ● Photo Credit: Oleg Firer vs Grenada

SAINT GEORGE'S, Grenada, June 3, 2024, (VSNewsNetwork.com) - The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court in the High Court of Grenada ruled in favor of Oleg Firer in a case of unlawful recall from his position as Ambassador of Grenada.

The court determined that Firer’s removal from his ambassadorial post without specific allegations or an opportunity to respond constituted a breach of procedural fairness. High Court Judge Raulston L.A. Glasgow stated, “I find that Mr. Firer’s recall without being told of these allegations or being afforded the opportunity to be heard was unfair and unlawful in the circumstances of this particular case, on the basis that the recall was done without the required procedural fairness.” The court awarded Firer $60,000 in damages.

In a press release from Firer, he dmphasized the strong condemnation of the actions taken by the Government of Grenada and its Investment Migration Agency (IMA), previously known as the Grenada Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Committee. He has instructed his legal team to pursue additional claims against these entities.

For more information, visit https://olegfirer.com/.

Source: Oleg Firer via Newswire


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