The Chiropractic Source Introduces Comprehensive Approach to Wellness in Cedar Grove

Photo Credit: The Chiropractic Source

CEDAR GROVE, N.J., October 25, 2023 ( - The Chiropractic Source in Cedar Grove, New Jersey, co-founded by Dr. Marco Ferrucci and Dr. Tim Lyons, has announced a multi-faceted approach to chiropractic care. The clinic, which has been voted "Best Chiropractor" in Cedar Grove seven times, focuses on advanced corrective techniques that aim to provide not only symptomatic relief but also address root causes of musculoskeletal issues and promote overall wellness.

Dr. Marco Ferrucci stated, "We're not just another chiropractic clinic; we're a wellness center committed to the health and well-being of the Cedar Grove community. We specialize in advanced corrective techniques that allow us to address the root cause of back pain, neck pain, headaches, migraines, and fatigue rather than just treating those symptoms individually." Dr. Tim Lyons added, "What truly distinguishes us from other chiropractic clinics is our 'WHOLE-istic' approach to wellness. By looking into each patient's whole health history, health habits, and the symptoms they're experiencing, we are able to understand the big picture and come up with a custom-designed treatment plan."

The clinic offers a variety of treatments, including spinal decompression, massage therapy, and SoftWave therapy, in addition to its advanced corrective chiropractic care. As a limited-time online special, the clinic is offering a comprehensive package for $69, which includes a full chiropractic exam and evaluation, digital x-rays, digital posture analysis, and a report of findings. This initiative aims to make holistic healthcare more accessible to the residents of Cedar Grove.

Both co-founders leverage their distinct expertise to provide a comprehensive health solution for their patients. Dr. Ferrucci specializes in spinal health, posture, neurological development, fitness, and nutrition, while Dr. Lyons brings experience in hands-on chiropractic and rehabilitative techniques. The clinic asserts its commitment to patients' well-being and health restoration.

For more information, visit

Source: The Chiropractic Source via Newswire


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