SpaceFund Co-Founder, Meagan Crawford, Discusses Her Career Journey and Vision for the Company’s Future

Meagan Crawford, Managing Partner, SpaceFund

Meagan Crawford, Managing Partner at SpaceFund, has had an extraordinary journey in the space industry, starting from her early days at NASA's Technology Transfer Office to co-founding a venture capital firm focused on space technologies. In this interview, she shares insights into her career path, the challenges she has overcome, and her passion for investing in innovations that aim to make humanity a multi-planetary species. Join us as we explore her experiences, expertise, and vision for the future.

It's an honor to speak with you today. Can you please share some details about your background and journey? How did you reach your current position? : I started my career at the Technology Transfer Office at NASA where I saw, first hand, the value of space-derived intellectual capital. I then worked as an entrepreneur in the space industry for nearly a decade, and eventually co-founded SpaceFund in 2018.

Achieving success often involves overcoming obstacles. What challenges have you faced along the way?: I was told when I was 16 that I couldn't follow my preferred career path as "women can't be fighter pilots." Gratefully, that is no longer true, but when I was a teenager I was very much limited by my gender.

Tell us about your work. What is your area of expertise, and what makes your business stand out from the competition?: I am a space investor. Yes, outer space. We invest in the technologies that will make the human species multi-planetary, and the byproduct of this technology development is making lives on Earth safer, more comfortable, and more profitable.

What is your top piece of advice for our readers who want to achieve success in their own lives?: If your dream job doesn't exist - CREATE IT.

How do you define success? : Going to bed every night knowing that you're making the world (and the universe) a better place.

Now, let's talk about the future. What are your future plans or next steps for you/your company?: Mars!

How can people connect with you to learn more about your work?:


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