Alex Rangel of Legends Sports Photography Named Candid Color Systems Customer of the Year

Alex Rangel of Legends Sports Photography ● Photo Credit: Candid Color Systems

OKLAHOMA CITY, August 13, 2024 ( Color Systems (CCS) has announced that Alex Rangel of Legends Sports Photography, based in Ventura, California, has been named the Jack Counts Jr. Customer of the Year for 2023-2024. Rangel, who has over 25 years of experience in youth recreational and high school sports photography, was recognized for his dedication to excellence in the field.

According to CCS, Rangel's partnership with the company began when he sought to enhance his business model and improve workflow efficiency. Traditionally, Rangel's business operated on a model that focused on capturing a single high-quality image to fulfill pre-pay orders, which, while effective, was labor-intensive and limited growth potential.

Rangel's approach to his work changed significantly after adopting CCS’s innovative tools, including PhotoMatch and ViewFirst. These tools allowed Rangel to increase his creative output and improve his workflow. As a result, parents were able to view and appreciate the quality of his work before making purchases, leading to higher average order values. The enhanced efficiency also enabled Rangel to explore new markets, such as schools and graduations, leading to a 25% growth in 2023-2024. CCS estimates that Rangel’s business will see a growth of over 30% in the upcoming fiscal year.

“The previous 24 years in business were a dress rehearsal for everything that I’ve been able to accomplish in the past two years with Candid. I couldn’t have done it without CCS or without my amazing team. We are all excited to share this moment together!” Rangel said.

The award selection committee noted Rangel and his team's commitment to learning about new markets and their proactive approach to expanding their business as key factors in their selection for the award. Their dedication to growth and innovation was highlighted as exemplary within the industry

For more information about Candid Color Systems and its solutions for photographers, visit

Source: Candid Color Systems via Newswire


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