The Philos Project Leads Christians in U.S. to Stand in Solidarity with Jewish Communities and Israel

Where Christians Showed Up ● Christians across the US showed up for the Jewish people. ● Photo Credit: The Philos Project

NEW YORK, October 27, 2023 ( - In an organized effort led by The Philos Project, Christians in 179 cities worldwide participated in a day of action on Thursday, October 26, by delivering white roses to their local Jewish centers and synagogues. This initiative was a response to a concerning 1,200% increase in violent incidents against the Jewish community since October 7. The act of delivering white roses served as a poignant symbol, referencing the White Rose Resistance group from the Nazi era, and aimed to communicate that the Jewish community is not alone during these trying times.

Luke Moon, Deputy Director of The Philos Project, stated, “Our primary objective was to exemplify the collective solidarity of Christians across the nation, purposefully denouncing any perceived infringements upon their values and principles.” Additional voices from participants reinforced this message. Grace Bydalek, Director of the Dissident Project, said, "Failing to stand proudly with Israel on the side of truth is a blot on the Christian community," and Katelyn Brantley Woodward, a Washington, D.C. mother, viewed the event as a learning opportunity for her children, highlighting "the lasting bond of love and friendship" between Christians and Jews.

The Philos Project, known for encouraging positive Christian engagement in the Near East, spearheaded this meaningful act of unity between Christian and Jewish communities at a time when such solidarity is increasingly crucial.

For more information about this initiative and The Philos Project, visit

Source: The Philos Project via Newswire


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